A magical bedtime spray that ensures your child's dreams stay magical and sweet!


Relieve stress, anxiety, and support happy, restful sleep with our kid-friendly Lavender spray mist. A fun and effective pillow, linen, and room aromatherapy spray that's 100% pure, natural, and kid-safe. No long-winded chemicals. Hypoallergenic. Ozone Friendly. Handmade with Organic Lavender Essential Oil

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Pixie Mist

Lavender Sleep, Linen, Pillow Spray for Girls

Fun and Effective.

Mist on your child's favorite stuffed animal, teddy bear, blanky, pillow, or sheets at nap or bedtime. Establish a routine that helps them get the calm, deep, relaxing sleep they need, and that's also a fun and memorable activity for both of you!

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Monster Mist

Lavender Sleep, Linen, Pillow Spray for Boys


Pure and natural.

Made with naturally sourced and GC/MS quality tested Organic lavender essential oil promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and provides calming and relaxing properties that ease anxiety and encourage peaceful sleep.